Future X Healthcare 2019 - Event Videos

The digital (r)evolution of healthcare
Future X Healthcare 2019 hat rund 400 Teilnehmer aus fast 30 Nationen zum Wissensaustausch zusammengebracht. Dabei immer im Fokus: der Patient von morgen. Future X Healthcare 2019 brought together around 400 participants from almost 30 nations to exchange knowledge. The focus: always on the patient of tomorrow.


Future X Healthcare 2019

Inspiration Talks

Dr. Tõnu Esko
The future of digitalized healthcare – the Estonian model Speaker: Dr. Tõnu Esko, Vice director at Institute of Genomics and Business Development Officer, Estonian Genome Center, University of Tartu
Vincent Keunen
Patients of the future. Work for them? Work WITH them! Speaker: Vincent Keunen, Founder and CEO, Andaman7
Niaz Jalal
The future of healthcare is personal! Speaker: Niaz Jalal, Global Head, Digital Health Platforms, Genentech Inc.

FXH Awards 2019

12 Start-ups, 12 ideas
Die zwölf Finalisten des Future X Healthcare 2019 Start-up Awards im 20 Sekunden Pitch. The twelve finalists of the Future X Healthcare 2019 Start.up Award in a 20 second pitch.
Celebrating Scientific Excellence
Die Finalisten des Future X Healthcare 2019 Scientific Excellence Awards im Barcamp zusammen mit Roche Experten. The finalists of the Future X Healthcare 2019 Scientific Excellence Award in the barcamp together with Roche experts.

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